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Fabrication and comparative analysis of femoral phantom using CT data and 3D printing technology

For phantom fabrication, pelvis phantom was placed on CT and scanned with 1mm cross section thickness to obtain DICOM image. This image was 3D modeled with AVIEW-modeler to express dense bone, bone marrow space, and soft tissue similar to real human body and to STL after removing unnecessary parts. Converted STL file was optimized in AVIEW-Modeler, G-coded and transferred to printer to produce phantom using IPS-Soft Tissue and Bone filament


For CT number measurement, the existing pelvis phantom and the newly produced phantom were scanned 30 times with a CT instrument at 120 kVp, 250 mAs, and standard algorithm. In the obtained image, the CT number (HU) was measured by designating 3 ROI sites of axial, sagittal, and coronal view. As a result, it was confirmed that the CT number of the Born filament was measured as 800~1200HU, indicating a value similar to the actual bone. In addition, it can be seen that the CT number of the IPS-Soft Issue was measured as 56±3.4 HU, indicating a value similar to that of the soft tissue.





Menufacture filaments





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